Greek Chicken Souvlaki Recipe

Chicken souvlaki
The most important step in making the perfect, traditional Greek chicken souvlaki is to marinade. For this chicken souvlaki recipe, the chicken is first marinated to soak up all the wonderful Mediterranean flavors and then grilled to high temperature, to get all crunchy, nicely colored and juicy.

The mouthwatering smell of souvlaki (a Greek word for ‘skewer’) cooking on an outdoor grill is so evocative of a summer evening in Greece. Here is how to recreate it at home.


Preparation time over 2 hours, Cooking time 10 to 30 mins Serves 4



  • 4 skinless chicken breasts, cut into 4cm/1½in pieces
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • ½ tbsp dried oregano
  • ½ tsp sweet paprika
  • 2 garlic cloves, grated
  • 1 lemon, grated zest and juice only
  • sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

For the mustard sauce

  • 125g/4½oz Greek-style yoghurt
  • 3 tbsp mayonnaise
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 2 tbsp English mustard

To serve

  • 4 pitta breads or flatbreads
  • 1 onion, finely sliced
  • ½ bunch flatleaf parsley, finely chopped
  • sliced tomatoes, shredded white or red cabbage (optional)



  • Put the chicken in a large bowl and add the olive oil, oregano, paprika, garlic and lemon zest. Season with ½ teaspoon each of sea salt and black pepper. Mix together well, then cover and place in the fridge for a few hours, preferably overnight.
  • Take the chicken out of the fridge 30 minutes before cooking. Preheat the grill to its highest setting. Thread the meat onto four skewers. Place on a baking tray and grill for 15–18 minutes, turning halfway through.
  • While the chicken is cooking, make the mustard sauce. Mix together the yoghurt, mayonnaise, honey and mustard.
  • To serve, spoon the mustard sauce onto the pitta breads and put the chicken on top. Scatter over the sliced onion and chopped parsley and add a good squeeze of lemon juice. Serve immediately, with sliced tomato and shredded cabbage if you like.


This is the traditionally used to make chicken souvlaki, and for you to make it to perfection from the very first time!


Chicken Tikka Masala With Chapatis

Chicken tikka masala with chapatis and pilau rice
Celebrate Eid al-Fitr, the festival that marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan, with a fabulous feast.

Everything you need to make a Friday-night tikka masala feast, complete with warm chapatis and aromatic rice.


Preparation time over 2 hours Cooking time 30 mins to 1 hour Serves 4



For the chapatis

  • 250g/9oz chapati flour (or half wholemeal, half plain flour), plus extra for dusting
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp melted ghee, butter or vegetable oil, plus extra for brushing

For the chicken

  • 750g/1lb 10oz chicken breasts, boneless, skin removed
  • 25g/1oz ghee or clarified butter, melted
  • 1½ tbsp lemon juice
  • small handful fresh coriander leaves, roughly chopped

For the marinade

  • 2 tsp cumin seeds
  • 1½ tsp coriander seeds
  • 12 green cardamom pods, seeds removed and crushed
  • 1 large lemon, juice only
  • 2 tsp mild paprika
  • 1 tsp Kashmiri chilli powder
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 150ml/¼ pt plain yoghurt
  • 25g/1oz fresh root ginger, grated
  • 2 garlic cloves, grated

For the rice

  • 315g/11oz basmati rice
  • 1 tsp vegetable oil
  • 2 cloves
  • 3cm cinnamon stick
  • 1 green cardamom pod, crushed
  • ¼ tsp salt

For the sauce

  • 1 tsp freshly toasted cumin seeds, ground
  • 1½ tsp freshly toasted coriander seeds, ground
  • 3 tbsp ghee, clarified butter or vegetable oil
  • 1 large onion, finely sliced
  • 2 garlic cloves, grated
  • 25g/1oz fresh root ginger, peeled and grated
  • ½ tsp Kashmiri chilli powder
  • 1 tsp garam masala
  • ½ tsp mild paprika
  • 225g/8oz chopped tomatoes, tinned or fresh
  • 1 tbsp tomato purée
  • 1 tbsp ground almonds
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 120ml/4fl oz double cream
  • 3 green chillies, slit open



  • For the chapatis, first combine the flour and salt in a mixing bowl. Add the melted ghee or oil and 120ml/4fl oz of the water. Mix together, adding a little more water if needed, until you have a soft but not sticky dough. Knead in the bowl for a minute or two, then cover and leave to rest for 15 minutes.
  • Divide the dough into eight pieces. On a lightly floured surface, roll each piece into a ball, then use a lightly floured rolling pin to roll each piece out into a circle about 13cm in diameter.
  • Heat a heavy-based frying pan or griddle over a medium heat. When hot, place one of the circles of dough in the pan and cook for 1–2 minutes, or until bubbles appear on the surface and the bread puffs up. Flip the bread over, press down with a spatula so that it cooks evenly, then cook for a further minute or until golden-brown.
  • Remove from the pan and place on a warm plate covered with a tea towel to keep warm while you cook the rest. Brush with a little melted ghee, butter or vegetable oil if you like, or leave plain. Serve warm.
  • To make the marinade, start by toasting the cumin seeds in a dry frying pan for up to a minute or until fragrant, then grind them in a pestle and mortar or spice grinder. Repeat with the coriander seeds and set aside. (You can toast the cumin and coriander for the sauce at this time as well.)
  • Put a teaspoon of the toasted and ground cumin seeds in a bowl with the remaining ingredients for the marinade. Cut the chicken into 3cm/1in chunks and add to the bowl. Mix well, then set aside to marinate for about 30 minutes.
  • Rinse the rice well in a colander, then leave to soak in a bowl of cold water for 30 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, make the sauce. Heat the ghee in a frying pan, add the onion and fry until soft and golden. Add the garlic and ginger and cook for a few minutes.
  • Stir in the spices and cook for 1–2 minutes. Add the tomatoes, tomato purée, ground almonds, salt and 300ml water, then bring to the boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Add any remaining marinade, the sugar, double cream and green chillies to the sauce and simmer gently for 10 minutes until thickened a little.
  • Once the rice has soaked for 30 minutes, heat the oil in a saucepan and fry the spices for 30 seconds until they smell aromatic.
  • Drain the rice, add it to the pan with the salt and stir gently. Add 350ml/12fl oz water and bring to the boil, then cook on a very low heat with the lid on for 10–12 minutes until all the water has been absorbed.
  • Line your grill pan with foil and preheat the grill to high.
  • Take the chicken pieces out of the marinade and brush them with the melted ghee or clarified butter. Cook under the grill (or on a barbecue) for 5–6 minutes on each side until lightly charred in places and cooked through.
  • Add the cooked chicken pieces to the sauce and cook for a few minutes, then stir in the lemon juice and coriander. Serve with the chapatis.



Beetroot, Blue Cheese Spelt – Real Easy Gourmet Recipe



It is a simple dish, but its flavours and textures are the heroes. The earthy sweet beetroot partners with salty blue cheese extraordinarily well.

Pearled spelt is a grain that can be used a lot like pearl barley or bulgur.

This recipe requires less than 30 mins Preparation time, 30 mins to 1 hour  Cooking time, Serves 4.



  • 100g/3½oz blue cheese, such as gorgonzola or creamy Irish blue cheese, crumbled
  • 200g/7oz #ad pearled spelt
  • 3 tbsp live plain #ad yoghurt
  • 300g/10½oz vacuum-packed beetroot, steamed, ready-to-eat and chopped into small chunks
  • 20g/¾oz fresh dill, finely chopped, plus a few sprigs to garnish
  • 1 lemon, juice only
  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • handful walnuts, roughly chopped and toasted
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper



  • Cook the spelt according to the packet instructions. It usually needs to be boiled for just under 30 minutes, or until tender. Drain and set aside.
  • Place the beetroot in a bowl. Mix the spelt with the beetroot, then add the yoghurt, dill, lemon juice and oil. Season with about 15 twists of a pepper mill and add salt to taste.
  • Toss the walnuts and blue cheese over the spelt and garnish with a few dill sprigs.


*Recipe Tips

The spelt keeps very well in the fridge for 2–3 days – the longer you keep it, the more intense the colour will become.