HOW Whey Benefits YOUR Skin and Hair?



Now that you have made your Dill Bread and if you still have a lot of left over whey, firstly, let us get started and experiment it on your skin and hair.


Whey, the nutritious liquid left over from curdled milk when the curds are removed. Whey contains the water-soluble proteins, vitamins, and minerals in the milk. And there are many things you can do with this leftover whey. Besides using it in bread baking, soup stock, to cook pasta and in a pinch to ripen your cheese if you are out of culture, you can even drink whey plain or sweetened. When taken internally, whey protein is rapidly assimilated by the body and it provides your body with the complete protein it needs to regenerate and rejuvenate the protein-rich hair and skin cells.


Whey can be used on your skin as  cleanser, toner and moisturizer. Whey is gentle and slightly anti-microbial. Recent personal testimonies have stated that whey helps with acne. In fact, it was shown in a cosmetic pre-development research that whey helps lighten skin pigmentation like, age spots. And several commercial skin products have incorporate whey in their skin care products due to its benefits.


The simplest way to use whey for skin care is a whey bath. Simply add 1-2 cups of whey to a tub of fresh water. Soak for 10-20 minutes. The acidity of the whey is great for restoring the pH level of the skin, and the whey proteins will help rejuvenate skin cells.


For tired eyes, wet a tea bag with cold whey and place over closed eyes. It is best when apply in the morning. In five to ten minutes, you should feel completely refreshed!


For any homemade skin care recipes that use water, use whey instead, and when using a dry clay mask, wet your face first with whey.


Now that you have a list of whey benefits so, go ahead and make your own whey toner.


Why make whey toner?


Whey is a fantastic product for the skin, as well as for hair care.


Whey toner is one of my favorites  for mornings and it is inexpensive.  Make the night before and store in the refrigerator. Use ice-cold over face for a great way to start the day. Leave on for 5 minutes, then rinse with cool water.


If you already have leftover whey from making cheeses, then this is great! Just use about 1 cup of whey to make the tea as per instructions below. But, if you do not, this recipe is a quick way to make instant whey and toner.

  • 1/2 cup Goat milk buttermilk
  • 1 Chamomile tea bag


Place the tea bag and the buttermilk in a small, microwaveable bowl. Microwave on high for about 1 minute, or until the buttermilk has separated into “curds and whey,” and is steaming hot, but not boiling.

Strain through a tea strainer into a jar and refrigerate. Use the next morning to make your face feel alive! Additionally, your face will feel incredibly clean, but not dry.




Goat Milk Bath Bombs Recipe


Fizzing bath bombs are the perfect way to transform an ordinary bath into a luxury soak to soothe sore, tired skin. A creamy goat milk bath bomb will moisturize dry skin while calming irritations caused by psoriasis, eczema, sunburns and other conditions.




  • Citric acid
  • Baking soda
  • Goat Whey Powder
  • Vanilla essential oil
  • Almond oil
  • Molds
  • Waxed paper
  • Air-tight container




  1. Measure 1/2 cup citric acid, 1 and 1/4 cups baking soda and 1/4 cup of powdered goat milk in a bowl. Stir the dry ingredients until combined.
  2. Add 15 drops of vanilla essential oil and 2 tsp. of water to the mixture. Other essential oils that work great with goat milk include musk, sandalwood and jasmine. Add about 5 drops of food coloring, if desired.
  3. Drizzle almond oil slowly into the mixture, gradually adding between 2 and 6 tbsp. Stir the mixture constantly, adding only enough oil as is necessary for the bath bombs to hold together without crumbling when formed into a ball.
  4. Press the mixture firmly into lightly oiled molds, allowing the bath bombs to set for a few minutes before tapping them out onto a sheet of waxed paper. Allow your goat milk bath bombs to dry thoroughly before placing them in an airtight container for storage.


What is your favorite scent combination?




How Whey Benefit Your Hair?


Whey is an excellent hair care product. Whey nourishes, strengthens and softens hair. You will probably find that after using whey on your hair, it is much healthier and shinier looking. And, because it is slightly acidic, whey helps improve the health of your scalp – where your hair gets its nourishment.


There are several variations of uses for whey on your hair. If your hair is not extremely filthy or oily, you can use whey in place of a shampoo to cleanse your hair. Just rub in thoroughly and rinse with cool to lukewarm water.


If your hair needs a thorough cleansing than shampoo first, and follow with a whey rinse. Leave on the hair for 5 to 15 minutes, then gently rinse with water.


Need some serious conditioning? Wet clean hair thoroughly with the whey, brushing with styling brush to distribute evenly, then let dry naturally. Rinse with warm water, dry and style. You are really going to love how soft and silky your whey-conditioned hair looks.


Another of my favorite hair care uses for whey! If you use styling gel, cream or mousse on your hair, try using whey instead. Just spray or comb whey through your wet hair and style as usual.


The whey adds great texture and body to hair, and is especially useful for fine or limp hair, because it does not weigh it down like many hair products. Just be sure to keep separating the hairs as you dry, or the hair will tend to clump together, just like gel, cream or mousse would do.


Whey is the best heat and humidity-resistant hair styling product that I have come across. Even in an extreme heat index of over 110 degrees F, the whey would hold your hair without collapsing.


And, not forgetting, you are getting the benefit of all that protein for your hair as well!



Want more fun DIY Skin Care recipe?  Also, check out my other soaping recipes.

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