Goat Milk Health Benefits

I started drinking goat milk daily and began doing research about this milk since more than a decade ago. I learned interesting facts and would continue to share more.


Goat Milk is gaining popularity all over the world and is the popular choice besides cow milk. Goat milk is available all year round in retail stores and market. If you have not tried drinking goat milk, you may find that it taste strange, slightly sweet and at times salty undertone.


A2 casein – Goat milk can sometimes be consume as another option if individual or infant is allergy to cow milk. Goat milk mostly contains ‘A2 casein’ which makes it comparable to human breast milk in terms of protein. A2 casein does not cause any inflammatory diseases, like colitis. A study even states that when babies are fed with goat milk as the first protein after breast feeding, they are less allergic as when compared with cow’s milk feeding.


Reduce bad cholesterol – Goat milk decreases bad cholesterol and increases the level of good cholesterol in the human body. It has healing properties and just like olive oil, are effective in keeping high cholesterol under check.


Prevents arteriosclerosis – Goat milk helps to prevent arteriosclerosis. This is because it contains a limited amount of the enzyme, xanthine oxidase. This enzyme is believed to cause heart issues on entering the bloodstream. Goat milk contains this and very less quantity and hence can prevent arteriosclerosis


Medium-chain fatty acids – Goat milk also contains medium-chain fatty acids (30–35% in comparison to 15–20% in cow milk). These acids offer energy boosts and are not stored as fat in the body. These help to decrease cholesterol and treat tough conditions like coronary diseases.


Calcium  – Goat milk is a very good source of calcium. Hence, I suggest that you should drink raw goat milk because up to 50% of people who are lactose intolerant can easily digest goat milk, especially if it is raw. When you drinks raw goat milk, you can attain most benefits of this nutritious drink.


Calcium is also widely recognized for its role in maintaining the strength and density of bones. In a process known as bone mineralization, calcium and phosphorus join to form calcium phosphate. Calcium phosphate is a major component of the mineral complex (called hydroxyapatite) that gives structure and strength to bones.


Normally, you think of cow milk as the most healthy and calcium-rich food. But do not worry about calcium while you are switching to goat milk. A cup of goat milk supplies 32.6% of the daily value for calcium as compare to cow milk has 29.7% calcium.


In recent studies, goat milk calcium has shown to:

  • Reduce PMS symptoms during the the second half of the menstrual cycle
  • Help prevent the bone loss that can occur as a result of menopause or certain conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis
  • Help prevent recurrent migraine headaches
  • Help protect colon cells from cancer-causing chemicals


In fact, this mineral does more then just stronger bones and teeth. Calcium also plays vital role in many other vital physiological activities, including cell membrane function, nerve conduction, muscle contraction, regulation of enzyme activity, blood clotting and blood pressure regulation. Since these activities are essential to life, the body utilizes complex regulatory systems to tightly control the amount of calcium in the blood, so that sufficient calcium is always available. As a result, when dietary intake of calcium is too low to maintain adequate blood levels of calcium, calcium stores are drawn out of the bones to maintain normal blood concentrations.


Tryptophan – Goat milk contains high Tryptophan. Tryptophan is one of the 20 standard amino acids, as well as an essential amino acid required in the human body.


Dairy Foods Better than Calcium Supplements for Growing Girls’ Bones

Based on recent studies,  young girls going through the rapid growth spurt of puberty, getting calcium from dairy products, such as goat milk, may be better for building bones and teeth than taking a calcium supplement.


Essential Nutrients – Goat milk is also a good source of protein, potassium, phosphorus and riboflavin, vitamin D, B-6 and vitamin B-12. Research has found some anti-inflammatory compounds (short-chain sugar molecules called oligosaccharides) to be present in goat milk. Oligosaccharides is know to make goat milk easier to digest, especially in the case of compromised intestinal function.


In recent studies, goat milk has also been shown to enhance the metabolism of both iron and copper, especially when there are problems with absorption of minerals in the digestive tract. These benefits and others are likely to play vital role in the tolerability of goat milk. As for older children and adults, besides an excellent calcium-rich which is widely recognized for its role in maintaining the strength and density of bones and teeth, goat milk may help to reduce some of the recurrent ear infections, asthma, eczema, and even rheumatoid arthritis. Goat milk can also prevent disease such as anemia.


Skin care Goat milk is also great for your skin because it is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins as well as high in lactic acid which helps exfoliate dead skin cells and soften your skin.


Lactose Intolerance – Goat milk, like cow milk, contains the milk sugar, lactose, and may produce adverse reactions in lactose-intolerant individuals. Goat milk is slightly lower in lactose than cow milk, with 4.1% milk solid as lactose versus 4.7% in cow milk, which may be an advantage in lactose-intolerant persons. Here, goat milk is a viable option for them.


The common symptoms of lactose intolerance are nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension, abdominal cramps and passing of flatus. The degree of symptoms depends on the amount of milk consumed specifically, the amount of lactose and the degree to which our body is deficient in lactase enzyme. Intolerance adverse reactions are not life-threatening but may result in life long discomfort.


I experienced vomiting after drinking milk. My first impression at that time was allergic to lactose . From my previous experience, now I must consider both milk allergy and lactose intolerance when adverse reactions like vomiting occurred because both milk allergy and lactose intolerance can exist simultaneously. A correct diagnosis must be made and properly followed up, as the treatment, dietary avoidance, is often very difficult and if incorrectly applied can lead to vitamin deficiencies or malnutrition.


In addition, we should not believe the myth that humans are never meant to digest cow milk or goat milk. And our bodies are meant to consume  mother’s milk for the first several months or years, and then move on to other foods. In fact, people only become lactose-intolerant as teens or adults, when the enzymes to digest any kind of milk stop being produced by the human digestive system.


So, let us not stop drinking goat milk daily, it’s good for your health.


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