How to make Goat Milk Panna Cotta and Dried Fig Leaves ; Popular and Easy Gourmet Dessert Recipe




A delicious Panna Cotta flavored with dried fig leaves. The recipe shows how to combines striking ingredients to make easy dishes. The recipe below is for 4 individual serving.




  • 1 oz fig leaves – about 6 leaves
  • 8fl oz goat milk
  • 8fl oz double cream
  • seeds from ½ vanilla pod
  • 2¾ oz caster sugar
  • ¼ oz gelatine – about 4 leaves
  • 8 fresh figs, quartered




Wash and dry the leaves and leave in an airing cupboard or warm place for about a week to dry. Strip out the stems and blitz the leaves to a powder using a pestle and mortar or food processor.

Pour the goat milk and cream into a saucepan, add the vanilla seeds and sugar and bring to the boil. Simmer for one minute then remove from heat. Add the powdered fig leaves and cover with clingfilm. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Meanwhile soak the gelatine in cold water.

After 10 minutes squeeze out the gelatine leaves and add to the cream, stirring to help it dissolve. Infuse for a further 20 minutes, then pass through a fine sieve into a jug. Pour into four 5fl oz moulds and leave to cool completely before refrigerating until set – about four hours.

To serve, dip the moulds briefly in hot water, run a blunt-tipped knife around the edge and gently tip on to a plate. Decorate with fresh figs and serve.



More related topic;


Click the link  Goat Milk Dessert for more details.


More Gourmet Recipes for you.





Homemade Yogurt Cheese



What is Yogurt cheese ?


Yogurt cheese is a soft cheese made from draining the whey from yogurt. You will not find this cheese in the grocery stores but, it can be easily made at home.


Believed to have originated in Lebanon, yogurt cheese has a very smooth consistency much like cream cheese, but with the distinctive tangy taste of yogurt. It can be made from flavored yogurt, as well as plain. Besides being delicious, yogurt cheese is high in calcium and great for those who are lactose intolerant, as the yogurt-making process converts the lactose in the milk into lactic acid. Yogurt cheese is extremely versatile and can be used to add a nice zip of flavor to virtually any recipe in which cream cheese is used. Once you make it, you probably would not have any problems coming up with your own original serving ideas that suit your tastes.


Homemade yogurt cheese is going to make a hit at your next social gathering, therefore get started today!



Learn How to Make Labneh – Yogurt cheese


Molded Labneh Yogurt Cheese on Plate


Labneh, also known as Yogurt Cheese, is probably the simplest of all cheeses to make. To begin with you will need a quart of yogurt. You can use plain or flavored yogurt, and either homemade or buy from the grocery store. However, if you buy yogurt for making labneh, make sure yogurt does not contain gelatin, as the gelatin will prevent the whey from draining.




  • 1 quart yogurt
  • 1 tsp. Salt

Special supplies:

  • cheesecloth
  • strainer
  • bowl




Begin by shaking or stirring the yogurt until it is thoroughly mixed and smooth. Mix in 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of salt, to taste.


Next, place a strainer over a pot or bowl, and line with cheesecloth. Pour the yogurt into the cheesecloth.


Cover, and let the yogurt drain for 24 hours in the refrigerator.


Remove the cloth from the strainer and scrape the cheese to form a mound in the center of the cloth. Then, using the cloth for handling, form it into a ball or log and place onto a plate.  Store in the refrigerator.


It does not get any easier than that!



How to Enjoy Yogurt Cheese (Labneh) ?


More suggestion:


  • Traditional – Serve covered in olive oil with crushed mint and black olives. Eat on toasted pita.
  • Breakfast toast – Spread on toast and top with a thin layer of jam.
  • Crackers and cheese – Mix with fresh herbs and serve on crackers.
  • As a spread – Mix with diced pimientos and black olives and spread in celery sticks, or use as a filling for finger sandwiches.
  • As a dip – Combine with taco seasoning or ranch dressing mix to create a dip for vegetables or chips.



More Goat Cheese Recipes for Beginners. Check them out!


Click the link  Lactic Cheese to view the details.